Milk & Yogurt Recipes
(Dairy Days 12pm – 6pm)

Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
(Vegetable Days 12pm – 6pm)

Anytime Treats                  
(Any Day, Any Time)

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Four Leaf CloverMilk Day
French dressing (Krissy)
French Dressing (Krissy) Vegetable Day
Hot Dishes
French Green Beans (Phyllis) Vegetable Day
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade Vegetable Day
Fresh tomato salsa (Gilda)
Fresh Tomato Salsa (Gilda) Vegetable Day
Chocolate raspberry
Frozen CandiesAny Day, Any Time
Frozen Chocolate Drops
Frozen Chocolate DropsAny Day, Any Time
Frozen Frui tKabobs
Frozen Fruit KabobsVegetable Day
Frozen piña colada
Frozen Piña ColadaMilk Day
Frozen YogurtMilk Day
frozen yogurt
Frozen Yogurt Milk Day
Fruit Cups
Fruit Cups Vegetable Day
Fruit flavored yogurt
Fruit Flavored YogurtMilk Day
Fruit jerky
Fruit JerkyVegetable Day
Fruit Yogurt
Fruit YogurtMilk Day
Garden vegetable soup
Garden Vegetable SoupVegetable Day
Garlic Leek Soup
Garlic and Leek SoupVegetable Day
Vegetable Stew
Gary's Creamy Vegetable Stew Vegetable Day
Gilda’s bok choy soup
Gilda's Bok Choy Soup Vegetable Day
Gilda's Guacamole Vegetable Day

The only plan that has ever worked for me!

"After years of trying literally every single possible diet, appetite suppressant, etc. I love Dr Schwartz’s video broadcasts, the delicious recipes, and the holistic element of the Accuweight program."

Cece S.
Miami, FL

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