Milk & Yogurt Recipes
(Dairy Days 12pm – 6pm)

Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
(Vegetable Days 12pm – 6pm)

Anytime Treats                  
(Any Day, Any Time)

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Vegetable & Fruit: Cold Dishes

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July 4Star Salad
July 4 Star Fruit Salad Vegetable Day
Kale Chips
Kale Leaf ChipsVegetable Day
Legal “Croutons”
Legal “Croutons”Vegetable Day
Plantain crisps
Plantain Crisps Vegetable Day
Red pepper coulis
Red Pepper Coulis Vegetable Day
Cold Dishes
Roasted Mango (Debra)Vegetable Day
Cucumber Avocado Rolls
Samantha's Cucumber Avocado Rolls Vegetable Day
SushiVegetable Day
Tomato Avocado Appetizers
Tomato Avocado Appetizers Vegetable Day
Tomato Basil Crackers
Tomato Basil CrackersVegetable Day
Veggie Chips
Veggie Chips Vegetable Day
these recipes and more while losing a minimum of 15 lbs a month!
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