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Baked Butternut Squash |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • butternut squash
  • Pam
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg and ground cloves, orange zest (optional)
  • I prefer to bake it but you can use the microwave too. If you bake it, it does take about 45 - 50 minutes at 350 to get it nice and soft. I cut it in half, remove the seeds (You can bake them in a little dish at the same time - give them a spritz with Pam and watch closely since they get done quickly)
  • place the squash cut side down. Prick it with a fork to test that it's done
  • then scoop out the squash and put it in a little baking dish - give it a dash of salt, pour on the SUGAR FREE ZERO CALORIE maple syrup and sprinkle the cinnamon and put it the oven (or toaster oven) for another 5 minutes
  • you can mash it if you prefer or leave it in lumps - whatever you like but the texture is smoother and creamier than the acorn squash - more like sweet potatoes
  • also you can add some nutmeg and ground cloves, orange zest (but that's optional - it's good either way)
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