Milk & Yogurt Recipes
(Dairy Days 12pm – 6pm)

Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
(Vegetable Days 12pm – 6pm)

Anytime Treats                  
(Any Day, Any Time)

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Vegetable & Fruit: Desserts

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Chocolate coconut truffle
Chocolate Coconut Truffle Vegetable Day
Avocado Chocolate Pudding
Chocolate Pudding Vegetable Day
chocolate truffles
Chocolate TrufflesVegetable Day
Citrus Berry Super Slushie
Citrus Berry Super-SlushieVegetable Day
Crust-less apple pie
Crust-less Apple Pie Vegetable Day
Peaches and Cream
Eliana's Peaches and CreamVegetable Day
Frozen Frui tKabobs
Frozen Fruit KabobsVegetable Day
Fruit Cups
Fruit Cups Vegetable Day
Fruit jerky
Fruit JerkyVegetable Day
Guilt Free BrowniesVegetable Day
Hamantaschen cookiesVegetable Day
HG's tropical treat sorbet
HG's Tropical Treat SorbetVegetable Day
Holiday Pumpkin Pudding
Holiday Pumpkin PuddingVegetable Day
Baked Grapefruit
Jacqueline's Baked Grapefruit Vegetable Day
Mock Candied Yams Or Sweet PotatoVegetable Day
No crust pumpkin pie
No Crust Pumpkin Pie Vegetable Day
Peach Cobbler FillingVegetable Day
Pie CrustVegetable Day
PiƱa Colada (Nature's Flavor Way)Vegetable Day
Pineapple upside down cake without the crust (Debbie)Vegetable Day
these recipes and more while losing a minimum of 15 lbs a month!
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