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AW Frozen Candies |  Any Day, Any Time

Makes unlimited servings - uses none of your daily allowance

  • any zero-calorie syrup, dip, soda, flavored water, etc.

  • we used:
      • Walden Farms chocolate syrup
      • Walden Farms chocolate dip
      • Walden Farms peanut spread
      • Walden Farms marshmallow dip
      • Walden Farms cranberry fruit spread
      • Torani sugar free mango syrup
      • Torani sugar free chocolate macadamia syrup
      • Torani sugar free salted caramel syrup
      • DaVinci Gourmet sugar free Kahlua syrup
      • Vitamin Water Zero (various flavors)
      • Zevia zero-calorie black cherry soda
  • PAM or other zero-calorie cooking spray
  • spray a silicone candy/chocolate mold with PAM
  • pour the syrups, etc, into the mold
  • freeze until the candies solidify (approximately 2 hours)
      • note, thicker syrups and dips are more “candy-like”; sodas, thinner syrups and flavored waters are more like ices
  • enjoy!
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