Spaghetti Squash with Green Salad | Vegetable/Fruit Day
Makes 4 servings - uses 12 oz of your daily vegetable allowance
2 oz spaghetti squash
1/2 cucumber diced to small chunks
1/4 red bell pepper diced to small chunks
3 sticks of celery diced to small chunks
2 leaves of Romaine lettuce diced to small chunks
2 green onions diced to small chunks
1 1/2 oz of broccoli diced to small chunks
1/2 oz of spinach diced to small chunks
2 1/2 oz of parsley & dill diced to small chunks
2 small tomatoes diced to small chunks
3 white mushrooms diced to small chunks
1/2 avocado
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 lemon
preheat the oven to 375 degrees
slice the squash (carefully – the outer shell is hard!) in two pieces, lengthwise
using a spoon, scrape out all the seeds and pulp in the soft interior of the squash
place the two sides face up in 1 inch of water in a large baking pan then cover the pan and bake for 45 minutes to an hour, or until squash is tender and soft
once slightly cooled, take a fork, and peel the squash strands, just like spaghetti, off the rinds and into a bowl
blend well all the ingredients in the blender that was diced to small chunks - cucumber, red bell pepper, celery, green lettuce, green onions, broccoli, spinach, parsley, dill, small tomatoes, mushrooms
use 1/2 of avocado & 2 cloves of garlic and blend it well in the blender
apply avocado with garlic over the blended salad
squeeze 1/2 lemon over the salad
use salt & pepper to taste
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