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Janet's Super Jello |  Any Day, Any Time

Makes 3 servings - each serving uses none of your daily allowance

  • 20 oz bottle of 0 calorie SoBe Lifewater (any flavor)
    • note, you will only use 16 oz
  • 1 4 - serving package of sugar-free gelatin (any flavor)

Janet's favorite combo is SoBe Yum Berry Pomegranate with Black Cherry or Strawberry sugar-free Jell-O but she says all combos she's made are great!

  • pour 8 oz of SoBe water in microwave safe bowl
    • for convenience, Janet uses a 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup
  • microwave until brought to a boil
  • add gelatin powder to boiling water
  • stir until dissolved
  • add 8 oz of cold SoBe water, stirring well
  • pour into 3 serving bowls
  • refrigerate until the gelatin sets
  • enjoy!!
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