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Indian Flatbread |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 1 serving - uses 4 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 1/4 cup water chestnut flour (also known as Singoda flour)
    • you may purchase in an Indian market or online
  • 6 tsp water
  • 1 scallion, finely chopped
  • salt, to taste
  • any seasonings you like, to taste
    • we used pepper and crushed red pepper
  • PAM or other zero-calorie cooking spray
  • in a big bowl, mix water chestnut flour, most of the scallion and seasonings
  • slowly mix in the water until you have dough
    • note, it starts out dry and mealy and softens as you work with it
  • slightly wet your hands
  • using your hands, roll dough into a ball
  • lightly coat dough ball with some water chestnut flour
  • place dough ball in the center of two pieces of saran wrap or centered inside a large plastic sandwich bag
  • flatten dough into a thin flatbread
  • spray pan with PAM and heat to medium-high
  • gently remove flatbread from plastic wrap and place in pan
  • cook each side for a few minutes until golden brown
  • garnish with remaining scallion
  • enjoy!

note, you may add different chopped vegetables and seasonings to the dough to make different flatbreads - adjust allowance for added vegetables.

To clarify - it is WATER chestnut flour - NOT chestnut flour (big difference). Water chestnut flour is made of one ingredient - water chestnuts (which are legal to use on program). 1/4 cup flour = 4 oz of vegetable day allowance. The flour itself is very bland so a lot of seasoning is needed to make it tasty.

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