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Robin's Mushroom Leek Soup |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 8 servings - uses 9 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 3 12 oz packages cleaned and cut white mushrooms
  • 3 8 oz packages cleaned and cut Portobello mushrooms
  • 12 oz leeks (both the green and white parts)
    • note, Robin used 2 leeks
  • 2 32 oz containers of “legal” low sodium vegetable broth
  • 32 oz water
  • salt
  • pepper
  • cayenne pepper
  • PAM or other zero-calorie cooking spray

part 1: white mushroom and greens of leek paste

  • rinse white mushrooms in cold water and drain to dry
  • cut off the greens of the leeks and set aside the whites of the leeks for part 2
  • cut off the end of the leek greens and slice each leaf in half length-wise at the fold
  • rinse well to remove dirt
  • slice the leek greens into shoestring long strips and then cut into small diced pieces
  • spray a large pot with PAM
  • place diced leek greens and white mushrooms into the pot and season, to taste
  • pour in a little water and cook until leeks and mushrooms are soft
  • place mixture into a blender with a bit more water and purée into a paste
  • set aside

    part 2: soup base - Portobello mushrooms and whites of leeks

    • rinse, drain and dry Portobello mushroom slices
    • cut Portobellos into bite-sized pieces
    • slice whites of leek into disks and cut in half
    • rinse leeks under cold water to remove dirt and drain in strainer
    • spray a pot with PAM
    • place Portobellos and whites of leeks into the pot and season, to taste.
    • sauté the leeks and mushrooms with a little water until tender
    • when mixture is tender, pour vegetable broth and remaining water into the pot and bring to a boil
      • note, the mixture will be a bit watery
    • when the mixture boils, turn the heat down to simmer
    • stir in the white mushroom and greens of leek paste from part 1
      • note, this will thicken the soup and add a tremendous amount of flavor
    • simmer until hot
    • DELICIOUSLY enjoy!
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