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Vegetarian Chili (Kate) |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • PAM olive oil
  • garlic
  • onions
  • chili powder
  • whatever veggies you have in the house (all chopped in tiny pieces) Examples: carrots, mushrooms, squash and even leftover asparagus
  • diced tomatoes
  • crushed tomatoes
  • use a spray of PAM olive oil and softened some garlic and onions
  • add chili powder and whatever veggies you have in the house (all chopped in tiny pieces)
  • let them sauté for a few minutes
  • add diced tomatoes and crushed tomatoes to cover and cooked for an hour
  • the liquid will reduce and it will smell wonderful!
  • serve in a bowl with a glob of guacamole in the middle
  • you can barely taste the individual veggies.

Variation: Use a package of Miracle Noodle mini-pearls or Orzo

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