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Broccoli Slaw Wraps (Gilda) |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 2 or 3 wraps Count it as 4oz of your veggie allowance.

  • Pam
  • 3 oz. broccoli slaw
  • Walden Farms Zero Calorie apricot marmalade and orange marmalade
  • 2 teaspoons Braggs
  • 2 or 3 large lettuce leaves
  • lightly spray skillet with Pam
  • add 3 oz. broccoli slaw
  • stir in 1 teaspoon each Walden Farms Zero Calorie apricot marmalade and orange marmalade that you mix with about 2 teaspoons Braggs
  • cover and cook on low heat for about 3 -5 minutes
  • watch so it doesn't burn--you can add a teaspoon or so of water if you need
  • prepare 2 or 3 large lettuce leaves (cut out the tough rib if necessary)
  • make veggie wraps with the broccoli slaw--add a little more of the marmalade mixture if you like

It's a great mid-day treat.

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