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Asparagus/Artichoke (Lin)
| Vegetable/Fruit Day
fresh asparagus
artichokes jarred in water (make sure no vinegar, sugar or oil)
real lemon (or fresh lemon juice)
butter Pam
Butter Buds
garlic powder
onion powder
in a pan, steam the asparagus is water briefly - maybe about two-three minutes with a cover
while you're waiting, drain the artichokes and cut into quarters
drain water from asparagus
add artichokes
spray with Butter Pam and toss lightly
add seasonings to taste - I just lightly sprinkle a pinch of each
add 1-3 teaspoons of lemon juice (to your taste) and toss. Cover for a minute to steam and serve
best when asparagus is still crisp!
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