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Thick And Hearty Root Vegetable Soup |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

As you will be eating everything you put in the pot, make sure all your veggies are washed, peeled if necessary and have the root ends cut off if you don't want to eat them. Divide up your thick soup into portions so that you know how many ounces you are eating

  • 1 yellow onion, peeled
  • 1 purple topped turnip - cut ends off
  • ¼ butternut squash, peeled
  • celery stalks - cut into 2 inch pieces
  • 3 carrots cut in half
  • 3 - 4 parsnips (this is a very prominent taste within the soup - don't skip this ingredient)
  • ½ rutabaga (they are usually big)
  • 2 horseradish roots (small)
  • few sprigs of fresh dill
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • ½ yellow squash - sliced in rounds
  • ½ zucchini - sliced in rounds
  • handful of grape tomatoes
  • 2 of any legal veggie bouillon or 2 packs of Sazon Tropicale seasoning or whatever seasoning you prefer (although the soup doesn't even really need seasoning)
  • fill a 6 quart Dutch oven halfway with cold water
  • put all vegetables and any seasonings in pot
  • leave pot uncovered until boiling
  • then cover and simmer for an hour or so until all vegetables are soft
  • let cool, remove vegetables from pot and place in blender
  • since the amount of vegetables is larger than the blender, you will need to do this in shifts and have your large storage container at hand ready to empty the blender so you can refill with more vegetables. Just scoop the vegetables with enough of the broth to make it mix well in the blender
  • pulse blender for a few seconds so that the vegetables are thick and still a bit chunky
  • then pour into large container and repeat until all vegetables have been blended

You will have a nice amount of broth left over in the Dutch oven. Keep that as your legal veggie broth for the future.


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