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Egg Creams (Tom) |  Milk/Yogurt Day

The traditional Brooklyn Egg Cream has always been made with neither eggs nor cream

  • 4 ounces cold whole milk
  • ½ tablespoons Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup
  • 4 - 5 ounces cold seltzer
  • pour milk into a large (12oz) glass, add chocolate syrup
  • open a fresh small bottle of seltzer. Canada Dry makes a 10 oz. size glass bottle that is perfect because it can be quickly resealed, preserving leftover seltzer for a short time.
  • the egg cream is best made with fresh seltzer. If you use flat seltzer it's just diluted chocolate milk.
  • take a long spoon or a teaspoon and briskly stir the milk and syrup while quickly pouring about half the bottle of seltzer into the glass.
  • the milk will foam up, so stop pouring and stirring before it overflows.
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