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Pumpkin Pie A'la Mode Italian Soda |  Milk/Yogurt Day

This quick and easy tasty drink will make for lovely toasts throughout the festive season.

Makes 1 serving. Uses 1 oz of daily milk allowance.

  • 1 oz Davinci Gourmet pr other brand zero-calorie Pumpkin Pie Sugar-Free Syrup
  • 1 oz Davinci Gourmet or other brand zero-calorie French Vanilla Sugar-Free Syrup
  • Walden Farms or other brand zero-calorie Marshmallow Dip, optional
  • 1 oz milk
  • Sparkling water or club soda
  • Ice
  • Fill a 16 oz glass 3/4 full of ice.
  • Cover ice with sparling water.
  • Add other ingredients.
  • Mix well.
  • Optional, top with a dollop of Marshmallow Dip.
  • Enjoy!
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