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July 4th zero-calorie sno-cones and ice pops |  Any Day, Any Time

Uses none of your daily allowance

  • ice cubes/water
  • red food coloring
  • blue food coloring


    • crush ice cubes in a blender or shave ice and put it into a pretty glass
    • squirt red and blue zero-calorie liquid flavorings on either side of the glass
      • MiO FIT Berry Blast and MiO Fruit Punch used in the photo

    • Ice Pops:

      • make 3 mixtures - red, white/yellow and blue
        • for each of the red and blue, mix water and zero-calorie liquid flavorings (for a stronger ices flavor, use more flavoring than you would if mixing a drink)
        • for yellow (e.g., lemonade), make it less strong to get a whiter color
      • fill paper cups 1/3 of the way with the red mixture
      • cover the cup with plastic wrap and insert popsicle stick, freeze
      • when frozen, lift the plastic wrap and fill cups another 1/3 of the way with the yellow/white mixture, recover and freeze
      • when frozen, lift the plastic wrap and fill cups another 1/3 of the way with the blue mixture , recover and freeze
      • to serve, remove plastic wrap and peel cup off ices

      • MiO, Crystal Light, Kool-Aid and Dasani are just a few brands offering zero-calorie liquid flavorings that are ideal for making an endless variety of zero-calorie sno-cones and ice pops.

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