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Cheri's Sushi Roll |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

Makes 2 servings - uses 4 oz of your daily vegetable allowance

  • 4 nori sheets
  • 1 package Miracle Noodle angel hair pasta
  • Cavi-Art “caviar”
  • 1/2 cucumber, thin sliced
  • 1/2 carrot, thin sliced
  • 1/3 small avocado, thin sliced
  • fresh ginger, sliced minced or diced
  • 3 TBSP Braggs liquid aminos, adjust to taste
  • rinse the Miracle Noodles
  • in a saucepan, combine the Miracle Noodles and Braggs liquid aminos, cooking for 5 minutes so the noodles absorb the flavor
  • allow to cool
  • lay a sheet of nori on a plate
  • using a fork, twirl 1/4 of the noodles and spread over the nori
  • on far end of nori, lay 1/4 of the vegetables in the same direction
  • using butter knife, sprinkle Cavi-Art along the length of the vegetables
  • roll the nori toward you
  • repeat for the other 3 sushi rolls
  • enjoy!
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