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Veggie Burgers Variation |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • 9 oz. raw carrots (I use baby)
  • 3 oz. parsnips, peeled
  • 12 oz. eggplant, cut
  • 4 oz. fresh green beans (diced into little bits)
  • small onion diced, about 5-6 oz.
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • cut off ends to eggplant, peel & cut into thick strips
  • place in a pot of salted cold water for 30 minutes. Then rinse, place each slice between thick layers of paper towels for 15 minutes; then flip & do other side for another 15 minutes (in other words, sweat the eggplant).
  • put the eggplant, onions, green beans & garlic in the food processor but make sure they are very dry first
  • mince them down to tiny bits
  • it will really look like chopped meat. Transfer to a large bowl
  • cut up carrots & parsnips & steam in the microwave until very, very soft. I have a micro steamer from Tupperware that I use. Just put a little water in the bottom. A microwavable bowl will do. You want them super, super soft (like fork mashable soft) This mixture is the “glue” to hold the burgers together.
  • make your patties & “fry” in Pam. They are delicate so be careful when flipping
  • season with salt & pepper & whatever other spices you like. They freeze very well - I have frozen as many as 8 with a layer of wax paper in between.
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