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Halloween Treats |  Holiday

Instead, enjoy some “legal” treats


DaVinci Gourmet's Candy Corn Latte

Makes 1 serving - uses 10 oz of your daily milk allowance


• 3/4 oz DaVinci Gourmet Butterscotch Sugar Free Syrup
• 1/4 oz DaVinci Butter Rum Sugar Free Syrup
• 10 oz steamed milk
• Espresso


Add Butterscotch syrup and Butter Rum syrup to a 16 oz cup. Steam milk, extract espresso and add to
syrup. Mix and enjoy.

Tom's Egg Cream

Makes 1 serving - uses 4 oz of your daily milk allowance

• 4 oz of cold whole milk
• 1.5 tablespoons Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup
• 4-5 oz cold seltzer

Pour milk into a 12 oz glass, add chocolate syrup. Open a fresh small bottle of seltzer. Note: Canada Dry makes a 10 oz size glass bottle that is perfect because it can be quickly resealed, preserving left over seltzer. If you use flat seltzer it's just diluted chocolate milk. Take a long spoon or a teaspoon and briskly stir the milk and syrup while quickly pouring about half the bottle of seltzer into the glass. The milk will foam up, so stop pouring and stirring before it overflows. Drink immediately and enjoy!

DaVinci Gourmet's Toasted Marshmallow Cappuccino

Makes 1 serving - uses 5 oz of your daily milk allowance

• 1/2 oz DaVinci Gourmet Toasted Marshmallow Sugar Free Syrup
• 1 shot espresso
• 5 oz foamed milk

Combine ingredients in a 6 oz cup. Mix well.

DaVinci Gourmet's Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Steamer

Makes 1 serving - uses 10 oz of your daily milk allowance

• 1/2 oz DaVinci Gourmet Strawberry Sugar Free Syrup
• 1/2 oz DaVinci Gourmet Chocolate Sugar Free Syrup
• 10 oz steamed milk

Combine ingredients in a 12 oz cup. Mix well.


Caramel Apple

Makes 1 serving - uses 1 cup of your daily fruit allowance

• 1 apple of your choice
• Walden Farms Caramel Dip

Slice up your favorite apple. Put Caramel dip into a microwavable bowl and heat until melted.
Either pour over apple slices or enjoy as a dip.

Moped Marge's Apple Chips

Makes 1 serving uses 1 cup of your daily fruit allowance

• 1 apple
• 1 package sugar-free cherry Jell-O
• 2 cups water
• Jell-O

Peel and core apple, cut in half. Boil water, add Jell-O and mix well. Reduce heat to high simmer. Add apple and cook for 15 minutes until soft. Remove apple from cooking liquid, put in fridge until cold (about an hour). Just like candy!

Ann's Chocolate Coconut Truffle

Makes 1 serving - uses 1/4 cup of your daily fruit allowance

• 1 ½ tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
• 2 tsp unsweetened shredded coconut
• 2 packets zero-calorie sweetener
• water

Combine ingredients in a bowl. Mix with a little water until you get a thick paste. Roll into a ball. Freeze.


Gilda and Diane's Legal Candies

• Any flavor Walden Farms Dip, Fruit Spread, Chocolate Syrup

Take an ice cube tray and put about 1/4" fruit spread on the bottom of each cube. Pour some chocolate syrup over the fruit spread and then alternate more fruit spread, more chocolate syrup, etc. Freeze for about 30 minutes or until it's freezing but still chewable. If they get too frozen just leave them out for about 15 minutes so you don't break your teeth!
Examples: Raspberry/Chocolate, Marshmallow/Chocolate, Peanut Butter/Chocolate, Strawberry/Caramel

Candy: You are allowed up to 6 pieces of sugar-free gum and/or sugar-free candy per day any time.
Rule for candy - no more than 10 calories per individual piece.
Sugar-free Jello: As long as you make it yourself, you may have at any time. We recommend limiting to one serving per day. Simply Delish is an all-natural sugar-free gel dessert and you may have up to one whole box per day..
Zero-calorie ices: Freeze your favorite zero-calorie drink in an ice pop mold and enjoy any time.
Mocktails: Enjoy some zero-calorie mocktails when celebrating with friends and family. Mocktail recipe ideas are listed at Mocktails

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