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Portabella Delight
| Vegetable/Fruit Day
1 meal
2 portabella mushroom caps (6 ounces)
tomato (3 ounces)
avocado (3 ounces)
lemon juice
garlic or garlic powder
optional spray of Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids
if using real garlic, mince or press and mix with lemon juice and drizzle on the mushrooms
otherwise, just drizzle some lemon juice on the mushrooms and sprinkle garlic powder
sauté over medium heat for 4 minutes (I use serious non-stick pans that prefer you do not use PAM or oil) use PAM if you need it
put the smooth side of the mushrooms down first and cover with a splatter guard (or lid)
flip over after 4 minutes, adding more lemon juice and garlic on the other side of the mushroom
top with tomato slices
sauté covered for another 4 minutes
meanwhile, mush up the avocado, add whatever lemon juice and spices you might want
spread this on your cooked mushrooms and tomatoes, and voila, steak for breakfast!
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