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Portabella Delight |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

1 meal

  • 2 portabella mushroom caps (6 ounces)
  • tomato (3 ounces)
  • avocado (3 ounces)
  • lemon juice
  • garlic or garlic powder
  • optional spray of Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids
  • if using real garlic, mince or press and mix with lemon juice and drizzle on the mushrooms
  • otherwise, just drizzle some lemon juice on the mushrooms and sprinkle garlic powder
  • sauté over medium heat for 4 minutes (I use serious non-stick pans that prefer you do not use PAM or oil) use PAM if you need it
  • put the smooth side of the mushrooms down first and cover with a splatter guard (or lid)
  • flip over after 4 minutes, adding more lemon juice and garlic on the other side of the mushroom
  • top with tomato slices
  • sauté covered for another 4 minutes
  • meanwhile, mush up the avocado, add whatever lemon juice and spices you might want
  • spread this on your cooked mushrooms and tomatoes, and voila, steak for breakfast!
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