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Mitch's Legal Latkes
| Vegetable/Fruit Day
1 lb. frozen cauliflower OR 1 spaghetti squash
yellow onion
green onion
salt, pepper
butter buds
dry mushrooms (optional)
cook cauliflower (per instructions on packaging) or spaghetti squash
you may bake spaghetti squash in the oven or microwave
cut off one end, poke holes in it with a fork (like if you were baking a potato)
in the microwave cook it on high for 10 - 20 minutes dependent on the size of the squash (you'll need 40 - 60 minutes in the oven)
when it's done, cut it in half so it cools
when cool, scoop out all the seeds and excess “gushy bit” and rake with a fork to remove the squash
mash cooled cauliflower/squash until it reaches a rough potato-like consistency (leave longer pieces if using spaghetti squash)
add finely grated yellow onion into the mixture
if using spaghetti squash, drain in a strainer to remove excess liquid
the more you drain it the better (you may want to also drain in paper towel)
add salt, pepper, butter buds, chopped green onions and/or some very dry mushrooms if you would like
spray a medium low heated pan with Pam
spread the mixture into latke-shaped dollops
make them pretty thin and watch them so they don't burn
flip them over and brown the second side (spray with Pam before flipping)
repeat flipping until brown. ENJOY!!
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