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Mitch's Legal Latkes |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • 1 lb. frozen cauliflower OR 1 spaghetti squash
  • yellow onion
  • green onion
  • salt, pepper
  • butter buds
  • dry mushrooms (optional)
  • cook cauliflower (per instructions on packaging) or spaghetti squash
  • you may bake spaghetti squash in the oven or microwave
  • cut off one end, poke holes in it with a fork (like if you were baking a potato)
  • in the microwave cook it on high for 10 - 20 minutes dependent on the size of the squash (you'll need 40 - 60 minutes in the oven)
  • when it's done, cut it in half so it cools
  • when cool, scoop out all the seeds and excess “gushy bit” and rake with a fork to remove the squash
  • mash cooled cauliflower/squash until it reaches a rough potato-like consistency (leave longer pieces if using spaghetti squash)
  • add finely grated yellow onion into the mixture
  • if using spaghetti squash, drain in a strainer to remove excess liquid
  • the more you drain it the better (you may want to also drain in paper towel)
  • add salt, pepper, butter buds, chopped green onions and/or some very dry mushrooms if you would like
  • spray a medium low heated pan with Pam
  • spread the mixture into latke-shaped dollops
  • make them pretty thin and watch them so they don't burn
  • flip them over and brown the second side (spray with Pam before flipping)
  • repeat flipping until brown. ENJOY!!
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