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Eggplant Variation (Phyllis) |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • eggplant
  • tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • PAM
  • sliced mushrooms (optional)
  • salt, pepper
  • oregano
  • garlic powder
  • slice tomatoes into thin slices
  • chop two onions and sauté in cooking spray and a little water until they begin to caramelize
  • peel and slice an eggplant thinly & soak for 30 minutes in salted water
  • spray a loaf pan with PAM. Place some onion on the bottom then a layer of eggplant two slices thick then tomatoes. Repeat. (you could add a layer of sliced mushrooms if you like)
  • season with salt, pepper, and oregano (use garlic powder if you wish)
  • bake at 350 for about 50 minutes

Can be served warm or at room temp. It's really wonderful.

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