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Soft-Batch Ginger Snap Cookies |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • 1 can 100% pure pumpkin (not pie mix). I like Libby's brand Pure Pumpkin
  • ground cinnamon (to taste)
  • ground ginger (to taste)
  • sweetener (to taste)
  • butter flavored zero-calorie cooking spray

note: Allison uses more ginger and cinnamon than she does sweetener. For sweetener, she adds about 1/4 cup for a 29 oz. can of Libby's

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  • mix all ingredients together in a bowl
  • once you've reached the desired taste, put the mixture into a glass baking dish
  • bake for an hour
  • when you take the mixture out, it will still be soft
  • put the mixture into a storage container for the fridge
  • let the mixture cool for an hour

when you are ready to start making cookies:

  • dollop 1 oz. for each cookie in a frying pan (or I prefer to use my wok) that you've preheated on low heat and sprayed with butter flavored cooking spray make sure you flatten out each dollop 1/4 inch thick in the pan, so it looks round like a cookie
  • once the cookie browns on one side, flip it to brown on the other side - make sure to spray the pan again before flipping
  • what we're looking to accomplish here, in regards to the consistency of the cookie is similar to a soft batch cookie. So, if your cookie is still mushy, let it cook in the pan longer.
  • once the cookie is done, let it cool for a few minutes before eating

Suggestion: Trista put the batter into mini muffin tins but did not fill them up because she just wanted to have a few. She said, "Voila, cookies!"

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