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Mock Candied Yams Or Sweet Potato |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • frozen cubed butternut squash from the grocery frozen food section
  • zero-calorie cooking spray
  • Walden Farms sugar-free syrup and/or Walden Farms sugar-free marshmallow
  • put foil on baking sheet and spray with butter zero-calorie cooking spray
  • cover pan with frozen cubed squash and lightly spray with cooking spray
  • bake at 350 for 20 minutes or so and then broil for 3 minutes
  • remove from pan and put in mixing bowl
  • mix Walden Farms sugar-free syrup and/or Walden Farms sugar-free marshmallow

A variation of this recipe from Jamie would be to chop up 5 apples.
Spray Pam on all of the food and mix with all spice and cinnamon.
Bake for 45 minutes at 350. AMAZING!!!!!

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