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Frozen Fruit Kabobs |  Vegetable/Fruit Day


Makes 4 servings - each skewer uses ½ cup of your daily fruit allowance

  • 1 banana
  • 4 strawberries
  • 8 grapes
  • Walden Farms chocolate syrup
  • note, you may add/substitute other fruits such as blueberries, pears, kiwis, etc.
  • cut 2 skewers in half (you will use 4 half-sized skewers)
  • peel banana and slice into 8 pieces
  • rinse strawberries and grapes well
  • cut off the tops of the strawberries and cut in halves
  • skewer the fruit alternating each one
    • for example: grape, banana, strawberry, grape, banana, strawberry
  • place skewers on a freezer safe tray lined with freezer paper
  • drizzle Walden Farms chocolate syrup over the fruit on the skewers
    • as a variation, completely dip some of the fruit slices into the Walden Farms chocolate syrup prior to skewering
  • freeze for several hours
  • move frozen skewers into a freezer safe container; stored in the freezer they will be good for approximately 1 month
  • thaw 5 - 10 minutes prior to serving
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