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Ginger Carrot Soup |  Vegetable/Fruit Day

  • 3/4 or 1lb of carrots
  • dry Ginger Seasoning
  • Kosher salt
  • 2 1/2 cups legal vegetable stock or 2 1/2 cups water with one Maggi or Knorr's bouillon cube
  • peel and cut 3/4 or 1lb of carrots & cut carrots into 1/2 in pieces
  • boil 2 1/2 cups vegetable stock in medium sized stick pot
  • add chopped carrots to boiling stock
  • cook until carrots are very tender (mushy even)
  • remove carrots from stock using a slotted spoon or strain the liquid from the carrots
  • RESERVE the liquid and put to the side
  • place cooked carrots in blender and puree (you can add a little bit of the stock in the blender while you puree)
  • place puree mixture back in stock pot
  • add reserved stock until soup is at a consistency you like
  • add ginger and salt to taste
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